Well hellooooo, i'm gonna tell you a late report about my birthday on last Monday, yeah July 11th that's my birthday!. Actually i'm gonna tell you about the gifts from my girls and i'd rather call them "The Circle of My Life" *wuuuuiiih. Okay i'll tell you about the first gift. I got it a day before my birthday, and it's from... okay let me flashback to July 10th.

It's Sunday, me, my big sister, and mangkibao went to Central Park, to meet up with the two friends of my big sister, i call them Ka Niken and Ka Rike. So we catch a lunch at Nanny's Pavillon. We only ordered two foods for the three of us.

The first food it's called blablabla Baked Rice and the second called Chocolate blabla Waffle (ah screw this fishy brain i forgot the name!). But actually it's pretty delicious and the price isn't too expensive. Nailed it!

After that we walk around the mall and stopped at The Little Things She Needs, and i found a good couple of shoes but i don't have enough money to buy it aaand that's how i met your father haha kidding! And that's how i got my first gift! Mangkibao bought it for me and i feel like "ARE YOU SERIOUS? NAH YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT?" and then i jump from the 4th floor haha kidding again!. Then she bought that shoes for me as my birthday gift. 

Well she's kind of kindhearted big sister, ever!. The most mature big sister, got a problem? Call her and she'll help you to solve the problem. Once again thank you so much Mangkibao, me love you <3

And the second gift i got from a boy who has crush on me (hahaha), Indra he also gave me birthday-suprise at midnight with his friends, plus Ayun & Gabby

Tik tok tik tok tik tok i'm still waiting for birthday-suprise from my big sister and my bestfriends. And yap! totally hopeless cause my big sister is sick and my bestfriends are sooo busy. And BOOOOOOOOOOM! at   (for God's sake i forgot again!) heeem about 9 pm they come to my bedroom and i was like "HELL YEAH WHAT YOU GUYS DOING IN HERE I WAIT FOR YOU WITH SO MUCH BOREDOM AND I WATCH HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER AGAIN AND AGAIN BUT YOU GUYS STILL NOT COME" aaand yeah i'm so happy and so SUPRISE! There my big sister, mangkibao, my bestfriends: ayun munir arianti prilly nisa (so sad that ola isn't come but it's okay :)), and my minimini: karin neny gabby. They're come together, the circle of my life come together :)

that's my cake (surely my big sister that bought it) and it's oreo cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory. Nailed it!

And let we skip with the next gift, it's from my minimini Karin, Neny and Gabby :)

a cute red bag, love it! Thanksss so much for my mini mini <3

And the next gift from my best friend, yeaah be ready to be speechless guys!, There it is....


They're jerk! Totally! Hahahaha kidding well i love them so much, i understand their economy condition exactly ahahaha but they're so romantic sometimes, never thought you'll get this in your birthday gift right?. Once again thanks for my wonderwall Ayun Munir Arianti Prilly Nisa me love yaaaa <3

And the last gift, the most awesome and coolest one. It's from my big sister. Well get ready to get a heart attack guys! just like me and here they are....

confused with the dice? Well so do i at first, and then my big sister give me a sciccors and  ask me to cut the string. And there's the gift, inside it! And here they are....

MINI INSTAX 7S,  speechless? TOTALLY!

and this is the instax's pocket. Hell yeah! She draw it by herself! I told ya my big sister is a genius! 

That's the coolest gift i've ever had!!!. Thank you so much for my big sister!. Thank God for giving me such a superkindhearted big sister, and i'm just like the luckiest little sister ever in this world. Well just so you know, i cried when i open this gift :'). Once again a huge thanks for my big sister, for everything that you gave to me, it's totally awesome!!! Envy me? :p. Well what more can i say? You're the greatest big sister in this whole world! Me love you soooo much <3 ({}) :*

And for the last i got another cake again from my family :'). We gathered around when i blow the candles,everyone in there and i was like "Thank God for giving me such a great people in my life :)". 

and that's the circle of my life, i just love them, so much <3


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