Unanswered Question

Well helloooo, yesterday (finally) i met my bestfriend Ola, it's been a few months i don't see her sooo yesterday we meet up, Ayun & Arianti also join us but as usual, they're late -___-. So me and Ola catch some sushi in Sushi Tei well i ate 3 kidns of sushi. After that we went to Pancious, my stomach was soo full but i still order Oreo Milshake. And you know what happened next? I'm throw up. Haha yes it's tragic. And after that we visited some stores and before we go home we met up with Rika.

Confused with the title? Well i'll tell you now. So we met up with Rika in Hoka Hoka Bento.

Rika : "Aaa Chaming (yeah that's my weird nickname -__-) berubah siiih makin cantik ajaa"
Gue : "Aaa Rika masa sih?"
Rika : "Iyaaa serius deeh berubah banget jadi feminim gitu cantik deeeh"
Gue: "Ehehehe" *cengengesan
Rika: "Siapa cowonya sekaraang?"
Gue: *diem*

Ahaha yeah i don't know how to answer it, just let God answer it, and still, it always be unanswered question until... well i don't know when.

And by the way a day before yesterday i went to Gading (again) with My Big Sister and Mangkibao, bought some clothes in Gaudi, i'll share you the photos later okay just pray for me so i can answer that question as soon as possible. See ya people :)


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