
well let me say HELLO to you, yeah i know it's been a loooooooooong time almost a month i'm not update you blog and i'm so sorry i'm begging you forgiveness (okay this is too much). Well too much to share and say, but for the first lemme tell you about my activities during this a-longest-holiday-ever. I oftenly spending my time with my second family, it's called family-geng. Wanna know the history why it's called like that? well it's not a proud thingy to tell actually, so i have a new joke, if someone isn't deal with something, i inappropiately say "Lo keluar dari geng kita!" and everyone laught at it aaand they choose me to be the head of the gang, we can say it "Ketua Geng" (booooo!), okay okay skip it, let me tell you about the vacation(s), i divide it into some parts and i will share you the photos, because yeaaa i'm actually forget the whole thing but one thing i remember for sure, it has sooooooooooo much fun and laugh when hang out with this family, family-geng rocks!

Part 1 - Grand Indonesia, with @mariaqiptiah @nazilach @irhamnahmalik and @fzkibo (fyi i call him Bang Pitruk and he's our brother and now being in a relationship with my big sister @mariaqiptiah)

Part 2 - MOI  & Nasi Kucing Angkringan, with same person + dede ara, mas njang (nazilach's boyf)

*Trunny (true-funny) Story: few days ago before this day, four of us bought the same shirt but different type, and in MOI people always staring at us while we walking hahaha (dikira anak panti asuhan nyasar kali yah)

Part 3 - Sisterhood Day - Mall Taman Anggrek with my big sister, mangkibao, mba besek, farah (@faceera), ka cumey plus ka cece (@dwcece friend of my big sister)

Part 4 - Cheesecake Factory with my big sister, mba besek, mamas (mba besek's boyf) - PRJ plus mangkibao and mas njang 

 *Trunny Story: when me and my big sister in Cheesecake Factory while we waiting for the foods, the servant came to us and said "Mbak berdua kaka ade yah? Mukanya mirip banget mbak hehe" yeaah you're the 1245372537373th person that said it :p

well nothing i can say about them, i just love them, so much <3
so good night people!


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