i'd rather be a vampire than have to grow old

Hello there. Guess where i am? Yap! in my boarding house (baca: kosan). Actually i can go home today but tomorrow there's an exchanging Pschology Communication class so i have to stay in my boarding house. Well i've to say that this semester isn't fun as last semester. The teachers isn't so fun just like the lesson. And now i feel so bored. I want to go to sleep earlier but ican't close my eyes. I want to continue watching my dvds that i bought this evening but i don't know i'm kinda lazy. Then i play game in facebook, but it's bored me eiher. So i really don't know what to do. Then i open my blog and i have no idea what i've to write. I want to marry Taylor Lautner but ... okay forget it

Well this evening, i was wondering why we have to walk in this way?. What i mean is, why we have to through some kind of a life that we won't to do or have? I mean like we have to go to college, we have to work, we have to let go of someone, we have to fight with someone, we have to be parents, we have to grow old, and etc. Why God let us in that kind way of life?. I mean surely God must be know what we want, what the best for us, and whatever it is. Honestly, i don't want to grow old, now i'm in college, then i'll go to work, i'll marry with someone, i'll have babies, then i'll separate with people that i have now and find new people. I'm about to cry when i realize this. Can you imagine that someday you'll separated from your parents, your sister or your brothers, your best friends, your friends, and people around you?. Honestly i can't. If i can plan my own life without destiny or whatever it is, i don't want to grow old, i want my life always like this, i won't be separated with people in my life now. That's what i want.

But i now that God must be plan all the best for my life. I just can't realize that i've to separate with people around me someday. It's like if i have a problem now, there my sisters and my best friends help me to through and solve the problem, but later when you grow old and you have a problem, you'll solve it by yourself. That's sad. When you grow old, you've to manage your family, take care your children, and you can't play with your friends, and the saddest is, you'll have your own home and separated with your parents, your family. Haaaaaaaaaaah seriously i don't want to grow old, have a bored life, and soon, i'll die. Oh Gosh i can't imagine that. But that's our destiny right?. I just can pray to God to give me health for my family and my best friends and give us all the best for our life, for our present life or our future life later, and please God to make us stay together like this until we grow old or until we die. Amin ya Allah.


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