Another Day With Big Sister

Aaaah it's been long i haven't update this blog yet. Well nothing special actually. So now i just wanna share another day with my big sister. She already went to Palembang and staying there. I went with here umm about a week ago, a day before she left. We just went to MOI to watch a funny indian movie theeen have a break-fasting in Pancious. Mba ii said that the 'Tajil' in Pancious is so delicious. So i forced my big sister to go there. Well, yeah i've to admit it that it's pretty delicious.

See? My handwriting is pretty nice right? well okay, my big sister who wrote that  huh
Don't know what to do then i remember i bring my instax, sooo you know what happened next :p. Honestly there are some pictures failed, but here's the pictures

Megan Fox (me) feat Omas Wati (my big sister) ahaha

So that's it, another sisterhood quality time. Next holiday please come faster so we can spend so many quality time again :). Good night people! Love your own sister(s).

Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of.  You know whatever you do, they'll still be there.  ~Amy Li


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