larak lirik

Okay hey hai hello again. Well gua randomly lagi tiduran sambil denger playlist gua yang judulnya "huhuhu". Agak mengerikan emang dan playlist itu berisi lagu-lagu kalo lagi labil sekaligus pengantar tidur. Dan muka cengo gua pun terpecahkan saat gua denger lagu dari Five For Fighting - Chances. Ada satu lirik disitu yang menurut gua oke banget. Ini dia

"No act of God can pull me away from you"

After listen this then i got the conclusion that apapun kuasa Tuhan yang diberikan, ga akan membuat gua pergi jauh dari lu. Then i realize that satu kuasa Tuhan yang gabisa dihindarin yaitu maut. Gua aja merinding ngetiknya. I thought that how strong we are, how big we are, how rich we are, we can't escape from death. Itu hal yang mutlak dan terjadi sama semua orang. Ini lirik oke tapi pede. Tapi asli gua suka banget sama lirik ini. It's like tell me to believe in miracle that how far away we are, how big our fight, even how hard the trial that God gave to us, we'll always be together and nothing can change that. Romantic huh?

Wanna see the full lyrics? Check diz out and you should download the song, it's kind a peaceful song seriously


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