it's midnight already

I can't sleep. I tried to hold it for so long. But i can't. It's finally fall down from my eyes. I don't know what happened exactly. I feel so randomly. I've told you the reasons, but you seem don't understand and won't listem to me. I wish you could understand, but i'm totally wrong. No you don't. You told me to stop saying. How could you act so rough to me like that. You're just like different person. A person that i've never met before. Who are you? Why you've changed so fast?. Now, you're too emotional, too rough, you don't want listen to me, even you easily say that you bored with me. How could you?. If you're the other peson that stand in old person body. Please i'm so begging you, to go away and give back the old person to me. I need it, i don't need this rough new person. I wish you could understand, you're more mature than me, because you have to and you should be. But once again, i'm totally wrong. I really don't know to do anything, i just can cry and cry silently, and you don't have to know. To see you like this now, it really hurts me. A lot. I just can pray to God to give back my old person. I need it. The old person that love me wholeheartedly, that care of me more than care itself, give me so much attention and power to face my life, and really care of me if i'm sick. But that person has gone and i don't where it goes. If i can make a wish to God to give back the old person, and God make my wish come true, i'll pay with anything for that even with my happiness or anything i had, you can take it God. I don't know how much tears that have been rundown because of you, but i won't regret. Because i cried for you not another people. I just can wish you'll come back to the old you, and i really wish and pray to God to take care of you, your healthy, and your happiness wherever you go. Amin amin amiiin. 

P.s: Love you anyway


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