"Being unappreciated for the efforts that you've been made, is one of the most hurtful feelings"

Love your sissy(s) guys!

Well today is....

I love this day, I love 7, and today is a special day :)

Well few days ago i read this blog semuasayangtissa.blogspot.com, and i cried. There are so may sad stories in there. That blog is about a big sissy that tell all the stories about her little-soul-sister while she got serious sickness. You guys should read it. That's so sad. Teached us to love our family more from now on. And teach us to be grateful about our life about what we have now.

While i'm reading and after i read it directly i remember about my big sissy. I have a big-soul-sister too. Wondering what will you do if that happen in your life, happen to your family, happen to your own sister. And i just don't what will i do, maybe all i can do is just cry cry and cry. Because of that blog i should be more grateful about the life that i have now and teach me that i should love and take care my family, especially my sister. I just want to say a lot of thanks to my big sissy for taking care of me and loving me as her little sister. And for now on i promise i will love my family and my big sister more and i don't want to trouble her anymore and being a stubborn little sister for her hehehehe. I'm sorry for all the mistakes that i did and Thanks for caring me all the time, big sissy <3

so here's some pictures of me and my big sissy...

Good Night!

The Saddest Moment is..

When you're dumped by someone you totally love all this time.

It's sad, totally sad. I just don't get it, why this person easily dumped me. Because of one unimportant problem.

Maybe, this the best chance, the right time to dumped me.

I just want to say, i hope you're happy.

And maybe one day if you find another person, i hope that's the best for you.

Cause i realized now, i'm not important and i just a sadness, a trash for your life. All this time.

So, thank you so much, for all the lies, for all the rough words, and for dumped me.

I hope you're happy and get better life, without me.

Deep inside, it hurts me a lot and i don't know, i'm just sad, totally sad.

So bye.

"Don't dissipate people who love you sincerely, cause once they gone, you'll be regret in all your life"